【同义词辨析】 2018-12-27 潮湿wet-humid

wet: usually implies saturation but may suggest a covering of a surface with water or something such as paint not yet dry: slipped on the ~ pavement. 铺过的路 wet还表示下雨raining,如it's wet outside外边在下雨 如come in out of the wet快进来,别淋着(湿)  2、没骨气窝囊废a person who lacks a strong character,如'don't be so wet,' she laughed别这么窝囊, 她笑道 saturate饱和to become thoroughly soaked with water so that no more can be absorbed完全被浸透无法再吸收,如the soil is saturated泥土吸饱了水,又如he is saturated with knowledge他知识渊博)  

damp: implies a slight or moderate absorption and often connotes an unpleasant degree of moisture: clothes will mildew if stored in a ~ place. 发霉霉菌 moderate中等的不极端,有克制的,中庸==restrained,如we walked at a moderate pace我们走得不快不慢

dank: implies a more distinctly disagreeable or unwholesome dampness and often connotes a lack of fresh air or sunshine: a prisoner in a cold, ~ cell.  牢房 如a dark dank cave阴暗潮湿的洞穴,如the kitchen was dank and cheerless厨房阴暗潮湿,没有一点生气

moist: applies to what is slightly damp or not entirely dry: treat the injury with ~ heat.  如a rich moist cake丰美微湿的蛋糕,如strawberries grow best in a cool, moist climate草莓最适于在凉爽湿润的气候下生长

humid: applies to the presence of an oppressive amount of water vapor in warm air: the hot, ~ conditions brought on heatstroke.  (oppressive压迫的,令人难以承受,如an oppressive tyrant压迫人民的暴君)     中暑     (oppress压抑压迫,给人难以忍受的痛苦,或难以承担的重担,这里指湿热到令人难以忍受)

wet湿的: 泛指,可表示湿透或只是表面覆盖液体,如水或未干涂料,damp潮湿: 表示吸收了少量或中量水分,让人不舒服(moisture水分),damp潮湿: 更让人不舒服更不健康,常表示缺乏新鲜空气阳光,moist微湿的: 指稍微潮湿,不完全干燥,humid潮热: 指热空气中包含大量蒸汽,令人难以忍受

记忆方法: 1)首字母WDDMH想成我们的大河<= =为我们带来潮湿


          3)潮湿的意思是被液体覆盖或浸透mean more or less covered or soaked with liquid.首字母WDDMH想成我们的大河<= =为我们带来潮湿